The quiet revolution in aviation

  • B2B services
  • Brand design


The aviation industry faces a crucial sustainability challenge. While options like reducing air travel or adopting electric flights exist, there is an urgent need for solutions that can make an immediate impact using the existing infrastructure. Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) offers such a solution. As a certified B-Corp, the scale-up SkyNRG produces and certifies this synthetic kerosine while taking a leading role in knowledge-sharing and guiding the transition to SAF.


The complex landscape in which SkyNRG operates – with stakeholders ranging from corporate clients and airlines to consumers and policymakers – required a clear communication strategy. By drastically simplifying the brand and channel strategy and combining it with a strong visual identity, we created a distinctive B2B brand. This comes together in a new website that effectively serves all target groups with a clear message: SAF is a crucial step towards a more sustainable aviation industry.

What we did

Brand strategy, channel strategy, visual identity, brandguide, website, campaigns


Co2 reduction
Twee handen houden een tablet vast, daarop zie je een pagina van de website van SKYNRG met de titel: Fueling the Planes
Brochure van SkyNRG over duurzame luchtvaartbrandstoffen

Communicating complex issues clearly

As a typical scale-up, SkyNRG owes its rapid growth to an agile and pragmatic approach. While this proved successful in driving the company’s development, it also resulted in a diluted identity in external communications – from the website to pitch decks. Two key challenges emerged: streamlining communication priorities and translating SkyNRG’s complex technical story into a message that resonates with a broader audience.

The brand identity required a delicate balance: distinctive enough to stand out in the market, yet maintaining the professional credibility essential for a company in sustainable aviation fuel. After all, in sustainability, reliability is vital for long-term success.

A strong B2B brand

As a thought leader in sustainable aviation fuel, SkyNRG’s brand identity should reflect this ambition. To stand out from the competition, we chose a bold design that challenges traditional B2B conventions. The new visual identity combines powerful elements – distinctive typography, vibrant colours and dynamic lines – with a spacious layout where large imagery and strategic use of white space allow the content to breathe.

This bold approach, which breaks away from the conservative aesthetics typical of the energy sector while maintaining the necessary corporate professionalism, perfectly embodies SkyNRG’s position as an innovative frontrunner. The result demonstrates that even in a technical B2B environment, a distinctive visual identity can make a powerful impact.

Drie screenshots van de website van SkyNRG over duurzame luchtvaartbrandstoffen
Omslag van de SkyNRG brochure 'Building the Business Case for SAF'

Knowledge hub as a foundation for change

In the transition to sustainable aviation fuel, knowledge sharing is crucial. Together with SkyNRG, we developed a comprehensive offline and online knowledge hub as the central resource for all SAF-related information. This platform enables stakeholders – such as governments, companies and supply chain partners – to understand the complexity of the SAF transition and make informed decisions.

The knowledge hub is founded on two core principles: optimal accessibility for users through intuitive navigation and a flexible content management system that allows the editorial team to keep knowledge up to date in an ever-evolving market.

Hand houdt een iPhone vast met de SkyNRG website zichtbaar op het scherm
Data-overzicht van SkyNRG over de groeiende toepassing van duurzame luchtvaartbrandstof

Product delusion in B2B

The SkyNRG case demonstrates that B2B brands can be more successful if they break with the ‘product delusion’ that has defined B2B marketers for so long. At the core of this misconception lies the belief that business communication should be purely rational and product-focused. Traditionally, it was thought that B2C brands should focus on emotions, while B2B brands should limit themselves to business-like listing of product specifications.

This ‘product delusion’ overlooks a fundamental truth: even in a B2B context, people make decisions using both their rational and emotional minds. Fortunately, an increasing number of B2B brands are moving away from this limited view on business communication.

Zes screenshots van de vernieuwde SkyNRG website, die verschillende pagina's tonen

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Rolf Coppens

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