Let’s amplify the work of the climate doers

We believe your technological breakthrough can drive positive change. With experience from Fastned and The Ocean Cleanup, it’s our mission to scale purpose-driven tech.

We provide clear, balanced storytelling to highlight your problem and solution, engage audiences with data-driven narratives, and assist in securing funding.

Fastned is a company with a very distinct culture and approach, though this wasn't really visible from the outside. With Norday's help, we developed a graphic identity that reflects this DNA well and therefore fits like a glove.
Niels Korthals AltesChief Commercial Officer Fastned

Data driven storytelling

As a technical organisation, data is at the core of everything you do. Whether it is about making your impact measurable, or proving your technological solution; you most likely tell or support your story with data.
Insight into data can make you feel angry or helpless, but it can also give you hope. By using data in the right place, you can give users and fans the feeling that they are behind the controls and contributing to the solution. Because data is often open to interpretation, it is an ideal starting point for personalized storytelling.

graphic picture showing graphs and numbers as an illustration

Your website as a force of growth

Your marketing ecosystem is built with the website as the central element. Different marketing objectives suit different stages of growth. This sometimes involves raising funding, such as at Fastned, where we have already raised more than 200 million through the issuance of bonds. Or it’s about converting visitors into loyal users in the long term.

More tech for good cases

Ready to change things?

Rolf Coppens

Also want to accelerate your growth with a strong brand? Contact Rolf Coppens

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