What can you expect after the website launch?

Twee mannen zitten achter een computerscherm bij Norday, GRRR, IN10

Together with you, we create a website that fits your organization well. And, of course, we also look ahead. Because your organization keeps moving, the market moves and our society is constantly changing. So to make a website sustainable, we make it flexible. This makes it easy to develop it further. You can read how we respond to this, in this article.

In fact, the moment of launch is just the beginning. We will continue to work together to maintain the site. And in many cases we will further develop the website together to match the evolution of your organization and your marketing goals. It goes without saying that you’ll be in the lead.

And that is sustainable. By continuing to improve the site regularly, you certainly do not have to replace the site every 3/4 years. We have enjoyed working with most of our customers for a long time. Sometimes for a decade, such as with The Ocean Cleanup, City of Amsterdam and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

A website that suits your organization: 3 scenarios for further improvement

Whether further development is necessary after the launch depends on your organization: the importance of digital for your operation, how your marketing costs are structured and to what extent you can predict at the start of the project what you will need later. This is not necessary for every organization. But for some organizations it is essential. We see roughly three scenarios.

Man legt iets uit terwijl hij voor een whiteboard staat, strategie

Scenario 1: Snel ontwikkelen zit in het DNA van jouw organisatie -> continue groeicijfers behalen met de website

Scaling up is in the DNA of your organization. Then you need a site that can develop along with you. Such as The Ocean Cleanup where we are still developing the website with effective digital products 8 years after its launch. As a permanent design partner, we have also been supporting Fastned to accelerate their growth since 2015. With branding and digital design for multiple touchpoints, from website to loading screens.

These types of companies regularly operate in a market that is still being developed. Innovating to remain valuable is an important part of such a blue ocean strategie. In short, you don’t know everything when we start. Then it can be smart to start with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). We then learn in short and fast iterations (sprints) what does and does not work for your customers and we improve the website accordingly.

In the scaling-up phase, there is not always a large team and the marketing team has limited time for management: then it is smart to deliver an effective first version as quickly as possible, and to scale up from there.

But not only commercial companies operate in rapidly changing environments. The government website Waarzitwatin that we made depends on SEO. On this site citizens can find more information about chemical substances in everyday products. It is essential for this platform that the site pops up when people google for chemicals in relation to pregnancy or a chemical accident. You can’t do SEO right once and leave it at that. There is more and more competition for a keyword, which always requires attention and further development.

Norday immediately stood out compared to their competitors. Their knowledge and experience about databases in combination with the working method 'try → see what works → improve that'.
Hester HendriksNational Institute for Public Health and the Environment

Scenario 2: Website is very important -> continue with improvements

Even if the website is not the central point of your organization, the website can be very important. The launch of the site is a big moment for your organization. But in this scenario we also proceed fairly quickly with improvements. Perhaps there were still great ideas on the wishlist that were not yet realistic within the budget or time frame, but that we can make reality in a new round.

Other reasons to develop further may be that the environment in which you operate is subject to changes every now and then, such as changing regulations or political winds. Or something completely different: to give space to experiment. The Stedelijk Museum opted for a radically new website. Bold in design and user interface. Later, we were able to fine-tune it even further based on data so that it is now even more user-friendly.

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Norday Home mobile
Hoe werkt het pagina Schoolwijzer

Scenario 3: Website necessary, but not essential -> maintain and keep it running

Of course, it may also be the case that the website is important for your organization, but not essential. You want the site to be good and support your organization. You can launch this site with a big bang and then it’s mainly a matter of maintenance. In this scenario, you will be fine with our SLA for the coming period, see below.

It is smart to plan an improvement round every few years to remain relevant for your target groups and to keep up with changes in the organization.

Secure your website with an SLA and support agreement

The digital world is constantly evolving: updates, plugins, types of browsers… To keep the site usable, it is necessary to keep up with the latest techniques.

So keep in mind that after the launch of the site you will need an SLA (Service Level Agreement) and support agreement. This way you ensure yourself of maintenance, support and minor further developments.

At the start of the development of the website, we cannot say exactly what costs you can expect. We base the offer on what we are developing. For example, a complicated website also requires more maintenance. We have a package for every wish. You can expect a proposal for this in the final phase before the launch.

Achieving more growth together

Do you understand that you have to keep improving to stay ahead? Then we preferably meet every six months. Together we evaluate the KPIs and discuss how the site can optimally contribute to achieving your organizational goals.

You now know what to expect from us after the website launch. But if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are going to do this together and we are really looking forward to it.

Do you want to start a collaboration? Contact Geoffrey Jansen

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