A knowledge platform for public broadcasting that leaves you wanting more

  • Culture
  • Digital experiences


People in the Netherlands aged 18 to 40 search online for knowledge and trivia an average of three times a day. However, not everything found online is true. The NPO is the largest provider of audiovisual informative and educational material in the Netherlands. It’s a significant qualitative source of knowledge, with a wealth of relevant content. The challenge was to develop a user-friendly platform for a diverse audience, where the public can find answers to their questions and spark curiosity about other topics.


With the new platform, NPO Kennis reaches a young audience in the way they are accustomed to. In times of misinformation, Stories are used as a counterbalance with snackable content across all channels. Each Story Card is a piece of infotainment enriched with videos, images, animations and interaction, designed by the NTR editorial team. This way, the NPO reaches their audience with journalistic content on the topics that matter to them.

What we did

Accessibility, storytelling, content strategy, concept development, digital strategy, interaction design, development


stories read per year
visitors on average per day


  • Dutch Interactive Awards
  • The Lovie Awards: Lifestyle
Drie screenshots van NPO Kennis. Het eerste scherm is een foto van een presentator met een begeleidende tekst, de andere twee gaan dieper in op het onderwerp

Introducing Story Cards

The platform is built around so-called Story Cards. These allow us to chop any story into smaller, more attractive parts. Enriched with video, graphics but also interactions, every Story Card is a super condensed piece of infotainment. Very swipeable and shareable on their own, but when combined, they provide an abundance of knowledge you would normally only get from a long read.

We provide answers to currently relevant questions. For example; why do people crave human touch?
Editorial team of NPO Kennis

Everything you’ve always wanted to know

NPO is the biggest provider of audiovisual informational and educational material in the Netherlands. An important high-quality source of information, with a wealth of relevant content, which is still hard to find for the public in pursuit of answers to their questions. To clarify important matters context is being offered and educational layers have been added to the source material in the form of infographics, quizzes and polls.

Voorbeeld Story: welke sporters strijden tegen rascisme?

Feeding curiosity

The entire platform has been designed to aid users in finding subjects they are curious about. It adds background information on current affairs and random tidbits to pique their interest. The platform is interwoven with social media, creating a fluid flow between the different channels, thus further blending knowledge consumption with other media consumption.

Inclusive and accessible design

One of our goals was to design a platform that can be used by a diverse group of people. We followed the web accessibility guidelines to create a user-friendly platform compliant with WCAG 2.1.

Designing for multiple devices

As people access information from an increasing number of devices. Design is more than just resizing content to be displayed on different screens. People are shifting from device to device, and they expect their products and services to shift with them. The user’s experience should be excellent and equal, no matter the device.

Screenshot van een webpagina van NPO Kennis
Screenshot van een story op de website van NPO Kennis
Screenshot van de homepage van NPO kennis

Ready to change things?

Jacco Ouwerkerk

Also want to engage a larger audience? Contact Jacco Ouwerkerk

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